Friday, January 22, 2010

SAP ECC6.0 : Classification of Batch Master

Recently, one of my last assignment to a project requires me to query classifcation batch of material for a WMMBXY outbound IDOC. This query only requires 2 fields for the extended segments. This classifcation batch of material, standard way, you can view it through MSC2N. To query it you need to have 2 function modules to get the value.



The first function module based on material and batch will produce the object number that identifies the group of characteristic of batch referrring to a material. This identification object number will be use by the second function module will produce lines of items of characteristic in an internal table. This internal table EXP_AUSP will be the result table.

Some of the tables that these two function module uses are KLAB and AUSP. AUSP is your characteristic batch transparent table that you can use it manually (programmatically) in your reporting and enhancements. However, I recommend that you use above two functions. Actually, these two SAP standard function modules are applied in MSC2N standard coding.

williamwilstroth... classification of batch by material

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