Saturday, June 12, 2010

SAP ECC6.0 : Tracing LT1E/3/D series

Last month assignment, I had to help a colleague of mine to put a user exit to LT1E (Transfer Order Confirmation) so that it sends out an IDOC to vendors. In every standard SAP, of course, types of enhancement-points are provided like User Exit, BADI and Enhancement too. Unfortunately, LT1E had a component in USER EXIT that you can use to determine an IDOC once user confirm a TO (Transfer Order). Unfortunately, this user exit can only be detected (tracing) only if you set your debug mode as 'Update Debugging'. Below are my findings and hope it helps you in your development:

To update certain
1.Set your debug mode as Update Debugging
2.Put a break-point at your desired line.
3.Start debugging

Update_task will trigger the calling function when it reaches COMMIT_WORK. Update_Task treats itself as 1 LUW (Logical Unit of Work) after COMMIT_WORK any subsequent point it reaches.

Flow of debug for LT1E
2. Then go to Settings/Change Debugger Setting/Tick Update Debugging
3. Then put break-point at SAPLL03T->LL03TU02->L_TA_QUITTIEREN->Line 428 (Customer-function '002').
4. Test your LT1E.

FLow of debug for LB13
1. Then put break-point at SAPLL03T->LL03TU01->L_TA_HINZUFUEGEN->LINE 182 (Customer-function '001').

Flow of debug for LT1D
1. Then put break-point at SAPLL03T->LL03TU02->L_TA_QUITTIEREN->LINE 428 (Customer-function '002').
Note : All your user exit to use is Customer-Function '002'/'001'. From here you will be able to know what user exit's component to use.

williamwilstroth... unfolding LT1E,1D,LB13...

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