Tuesday, December 18, 2012

SAP ECC6.0 : It is all about learning new ways of doing things!

Recently, I read a piece of article in SCN and it make me notice that we do get stuck working comfortably in one spot because we all want a permanent job, with a good pay and less traveling. So, most of us are all there in one company and for some, had the same wish to be there too. Here's a link that you must read and it is called, "Call to Arms".

This article is written by Graham Robinson and he touches some very good aspects about why should one ABAPer learn up newer trade of tools. Just, go read the article up and I hope you will strive more for next year's goal.

Christmas coming, the end of the world like the world is watching, might or might not come but let's us all forget about it for a moment and do a wish list for 2013. What would you want to learn in 2013? 

I would love to learn two things :
  1. At least, attend a course on ABAP Web Dynpro, and do an assignment on this topic.
  2. At least, able to go to PDF tcode and use PDF Editor and modify one form for one assignment.
  3. Do one biggest project, that encapsulate all of what I've learn!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Careful for what you wish for! No Challenge, no pain and no gain!

williamwilstroth... Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, 2013