Wednesday, December 19, 2012

SAP ECC6.0 : VEPVG and Delivery Not Created - Part 1

Two more days to factory shut down and as my good boss said, "You are not going to like this". Well, all I can do is coolly brace for what's to come. He told me the VEPVG is not being updated when a sales order line's First Date gets changed for the third time. 

Oh god, the first time, the sales order gets created; a line is inserted to VEPVG. The second time, that sales order get its First Date changed; the line remains in VEPVG. The third time, the sales order get its First Date changed again; VEPVG no longer holds that line anymore. Hmmph... oh dear... now i wish the ABAP Debugger comes with a "Backward Debugging" feature. Bah! I know WHERE it gets deleted but I have no idea WHY it gets deleted...

(NOTE : i think you guys know the significance of this issue, if, VEPVG table does not get updated when you save your Sales Order (VA02))

So there goes my whole day, gone through all my changes since August until today. Looked through my tickets and checked which ones had involved user-exit modification. Heck, I did not know I had been changing so many of it. Productive year with lots of projects, I guess...

Anyway, I am going murderous on this issue. I wonder why on earth does this VEPVG suddenly doesn't get updated constantly. Yes, I am still looking, investigating and thinking here and there...

Here's some NOTES for you to review, if you are having the same issue like mine : 
415716 - User Exits in Delivery Processing
128947 - Correction of SD Document Indexes With RVV05IVB
178328 - Problems due to Incorrect User Exits in SD'

williamwilstroth... vepvg, userexit_save_document_prepare, 415716, 128947, 178328